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Pre-School Programs

Let us come to your pre-school for a day of fun and learning or come to us!

Preschool programs consist of 1-2 programs depending on the number on students and time constraints. 

Our programs are adjusted for your age groups. 

The following programs are available for Pre-school groups:

  • Bat-Tacular: Learn about the flying mammal and how we are similar and different from them. 

  • Bingo: Themed bingo using pictures for the littles. 

  • Eco-Hike: This on-site only program takes your students on a short hike to learn about the world around them.

  • Nature Art: Use nature found all around you to complete a fun art project. 

  • Ruby the Screech Owl: Meet our Eastern Screech Owl, Ruby, learn about her and her friends and how they help; then do a fun owl inspired activity. 

  • Turtle Dogs: Meet one of our Turtle Dogs, learn about Box Turtles and how why we help track them. 

Programs for Preschools are available at the following costs:

$8 per student

$4 per parent

Teachers/Assistant Teachers Free

Register Here for your Programs!

Once we receive your form, we will respond back, typically within 3 days, to confirm programs and dates.

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